Saturday, October 13, 2007

It Is The Twenty-First Century

New Music Extravaganza!

Saw of Montreal at a very swank bar called The Roxy last night. It was a great show, despite the fact that they a) didn't play their cover of The Fiery Furnaces' "Tropical Iceland" and b) played lots of new stuff -- which is great and all, but who goes to see a band they like for songs they don't know? of Montreal is semi-famous for doing great covers, but I don't think they played any last night. And actually, if I end up with a torrent of the show, it might be interesting to hear the new stuff again.

Here's some YouTube, but be advised that they had a much cooler and more elaborate setup (multi-tiered stage, light boxes that lit up when people walked on them, winged guitarist, ninja battles).

Also procured both the new Radiohead and the new Fiery Furnaces. If you haven't heard about the new Radiohead, please crawl out from underneath your rock and check this out: it's called In Rainbows and you can download it, right now, from this website, at a price of your own choosing. Including for the completely frizzle. I coughed up seven pounds fifty cuz I'm like that, but I don't think anyone's getting the stinkeye for being supposedly cheap. Here's a clip of "Bodysnatchers"; kind of my favorite song going in, ever since I heard their Bonnaroo performance, but it's reworked just a bit on the actual album, so it's still my jam.

Last but never least: Here's a video from Widow City, the aforementioned new Fiery Furnaces. I haven't absorbed much more than the two cuts I was already familiar with ("Navy Nurse" and "Duplexes Of The Dead") but I feel okay relaying you the Pitchfork review, which seems on the money at least about the album's mixed debt to 70's era rock.

Well, take care kids! -- and if you're good, I'll tell you about the lovely young lady I met last night.


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