Saturday, January 20, 2007

Welcoming Myself To The 21st Century

So I decided my life needed new gadgetry and decided to spring for a couple of things. It's probably my way of nursing the wound created when I realized I will never have an iPhone. Not for like three years, or something, anyway.

First of all, I got an iPod shuffle, one of the new ones with a clip. I've been wanting an iPod for awhile but could never decide if I would be able to put up with the shuffle's lack of a display and direct track choice (the other option was to go all out and get one of the really big ones -- the nano's never seemed like such a great middle road to me), but the new design pretty much sold me on it. Anyways, I've been enjoying it quite a bit. I do a fair amount of walking here in Oxford, so my Shuffle makes for a good alternative to the quaint, small town chorus of construction and traffic we Oxonians are so lucky to enjoy. Plus I went jogging with it (only once, so far, but it was earlier today) and even have ended up wearing it around the house.

I also got a portable flash drive. Sometime last year (Early fall, I think?) I visited my sister in Hattiesburg, and amongst other things we went to a Best Buy where she was going to get a flash drive for herself. A 1-gig drive cost, like, seventy bucks! I had no idea. She ended up not buying one there, which has proven to be a good thing. The 1-gig drive I just got from some random internet store cost me less than 20 bucks, and works great. I guess the moral here is to shop around for your options, and that the internet is probably the best place to buy techy gadgets.

The last thing that I bought was also my biggest purchase: an external HDD. I've been getting by on practically no free memory for quite a while. Every time I added an album to my iTunes, I was having to delete something else, which I actually liked in some ways, since it sort of forced me into making value judgements about what I really wanted to keep, which made me really listen to some stuff that I would otherwise have left to flounder in the nethermost crannies of my hard drive (if a 30-gig drive actually has nethermost crannies, which is unlikely).

Anyways, I will no longer have to put myself through such harsh cerebral rigamorale, as my new LaCie 320-gig drive will be able to store all the albums, torrents, and whatever else I'm likely to run across for the next 10 years. Or atleast the next 5. Plus it was very reasonably priced at a mere buck-fifty.

So I haven't provided links or anything but if anyone wants more details on where to get such awesome and affordable merchandise, please leave a note in the comment box. Especially with the external HDD, I learned a lot scouring the comment threads on plenty of websites, so I might have some useful information for you.

In other news, I watched a recommendable movie lately: Tristram Shandy; A Cock and Bull Story. It has Steve Coogan! What else do you need to hear?


Blogger PearJack said...

Awww, I have a spam comment! I feel

2:58 PM, January 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the shuffle is tops, i have a nano but it's more than I need for just a run. I got L a 1gig flash drive at Best Buy for 19.99, I think the price of flash memory is just plummeting because manufacturers are finally catching up to demand. I saw this Samsung SSD (Solid State Drive), 30GB for $600, designed for notebooks, exhibited at CES. Those motherfuckers are the next frontier. They use like a quarter of the energy of a HDD, they have no moving parts so you can sling them around, they don't heat up as much, and they're superfast.

4:47 PM, January 22, 2007  
Blogger PearJack said...

Yeah, it looks like it'll be a couple of years before they deal with the shorter lifespan problem, but those would still be great now for rugged portable external hdd's. If you want to shell out the extra money.

2:36 PM, January 26, 2007  

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